Blog Tour - The Mummy Bloggers


Elle Campbell is a glossy, lycra-clad mum with washboard abs, a ten-year plan and a secret past.

Abi Black has quit sugar, moved to the country and is homeschooling her kids.

Leisel Adams slogs away at her office job each day before rushing home, steeped in guilt, to spend precious moments with her kids before bedtime.

All three share a label that they simultaneously relish and loathe: mummy blogger. And when they are nominated for an award with a hefty cash prize, the scene is set for a brutal and often hilarious battle for hearts, minds-and clicks. As the awards night gets closer, their lies get bigger, their stunts get crazier - and some mistakes from the past become harder and harder to hide.


This review is part of the blog tour arranged by Legend Press.

Quality of Writing  ♥♥♥♥♥
Originality  ♥♥♥♥
Plot  ♥♥♥♥
Setting  ♥♥♥♥
Character ♥♥♥♥♥

Overall  ♥♥♥♥

Wow! I absolutely loved reading the book. At first I was skeptical about reading a book that revolves around blogging - but once I started I could not stop. This book is honestly so relatable (not that I personally am at the level as the bloggers in the book) and it really outlines the subject of online life in contrast to real life. This book really brings out the reality of how fame can also exist online and how online fame can also be as damaging as other types of fame (such as movie stars, artists etc).

The characters in this book are SO well developed - even the side characters - and this is one of the main things I like about this book. I love character driven novels and although there is a consistent plot line, this book is all about character relationships and the dynamics of their lives. Each of the three main characters (Elle, Abi, and Leisel) are so different from one another and for that they really stand out. One particular blogger was so unlikeable and yet also this made her likeable - she was such a complex character.

I have not read any other books about fame in blogging - so this really was a breath of fresh air to read. I'm glad I agreed to take part in the blog tour because I haven't read such a attention-grabbing book in a long time. The only reason I have given this 4 stars out of 5, is that it was actually a bit hard to get into at first - but the characters did keep me hooked and eventually I got sucked into their worlds. Excellent story and writing - I will be reading more of this author hopefully!


  1. I'm not a Mum but I am a blogger and I think this sounds like a super fun read!


    1. It was really fun - but quite series at times too


  2. Wow this sounds like a nice great


  3. AnonymousJuly 04, 2019

    Even though I am not a mum I am a blogger and I think this sounds like such a lovely read. You have written such a lovely review Lena xx

  4. I have this! I must hurry up and get around to it.

    1. oh man YOU HAVE to read it!! sucks you right in

  5. This looks like loads of fun


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